Legal Blog

Sexual harassment can often be subtle

Employers have a duty to ensure that their workplace is free from hostility and harassment. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to implement this in practice. For various reasons, hostility and harassment can go unnoticed for extended periods of time. Not only does a hostile working environment impact the well-being of employees, but it can also potentially decrease the overall

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Common mistakes to avoid when you are sexually harassed at work

Sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal. Unfortunately, this vice remains quite rampant. Sexual harassment demoralizes the victim, affects productivity and results in high turnover. As a result, the organization loses both talent and profits. If you are a victim of sexual harassment at the workplace, you may feel angry, hurt, confused and overwhelmed. It is easy to make mistakes

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Customers are a source of service industry sexual harassment

Workers often understand that inappropriate conduct by their manager or other team members is illegal sexual harassment. They know that they can report these issues to a supervisor or human resources and expect their employer to protect them. However, many employees fail to understand that the same sorts of rules apply to customers as to co-workers. It is not fair

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How to tell if you are being sexually harassed at your place of work

Sexual harassment in the workplace is not always easy to spot. The line between a playful act of fondness and inappropriate behavior can be quite blurry at times. However, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), sexual harassment includes any unwelcome sexual demands or requests, advances and other forms of suggestive or physical conduct. Sexual harassment does not have to

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Remote workers can make sexual harassment allegations

There’s been a surge in the number of individuals working remotely in recent years. This uptick in online work has led to employers adjusting their perspectives on unlawful activities such as sexual harassment. When asked what constitutes sexual harassment, many workers would likely mention sexually suggestive comments made in passing in the workplace or inappropriate touching. Can sexual harassment happen in

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Sexually harassed at work? Do these 2 things first

Sexual harassment is any form of unwelcome sexual advance or conduct in the workplace that creates a hostile, intimidating and offensive work environment. This can range from repeat offensive jokes full of sexual content to an outright sexual assault. Fortunately, there are state and federal laws that protect employees from sexual harassment in the workplace. Here are two steps that you

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The perils of retaliation when employees complain of harassment

No employee should have to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace. Your company should have policies against this type of behavior so that it’s stopped before it ever has a chance to start. Unfortunately, not everyone is going to act in an appropriate manner. As part of your plan to fight sexual harassment, you should have a grievance procedure

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Some women remain silent about being sexually harassed at work

Your boss or co-worker in Massachusetts likes to put a hand on your shoulder with unsettling frequency. Sometimes he makes suggestive comments about your personal appearance or clothing. He tells crude jokes that make you feel disrespected. It’s gotten to the point that it’s tough to focus on your responsibilities. You are starting to dread going to the office every

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How should businesses respond to sexual harassment claims?

Sexual harassment claims are something most everyone would prefer to avoid. No one wants to get accused of wrongdoing, but many people also don’t want to speak up and report it after they experience it. Those within a company don’t want to worry about the discord between employees and the possible expense involved. Still, sexual harassment can happen in any

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Does sexual harassment require physical contact?

If you go to work and see uncomfortable images, you may feel out of place. For example, if you’re female and go into your manager’s office, you may not be comfortable with seeing a nude poster or calendar. It’s okay to feel that way, and in some cases, you may actually have a sexual harassment claim if you bring up

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Sexual harassment can often be subtle

Employers have a duty to ensure that their workplace is free from hostility and harassment. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to implement this in practice. For various reasons, hostility and harassment can go unnoticed for extended periods of time. Not only does a hostile working environment impact the well-being of employees, but it can also potentially decrease the overall

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Common mistakes to avoid when you are sexually harassed at work

Sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal. Unfortunately, this vice remains quite rampant. Sexual harassment demoralizes the victim, affects productivity and results in high turnover. As a result, the organization loses both talent and profits. If you are a victim of sexual harassment at the workplace, you may feel angry, hurt, confused and overwhelmed. It is easy to make mistakes

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Customers are a source of service industry sexual harassment

Workers often understand that inappropriate conduct by their manager or other team members is illegal sexual harassment. They know that they can report these issues to a supervisor or human resources and expect their employer to protect them. However, many employees fail to understand that the same sorts of rules apply to customers as to co-workers. It is not fair

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How to tell if you are being sexually harassed at your place of work

Sexual harassment in the workplace is not always easy to spot. The line between a playful act of fondness and inappropriate behavior can be quite blurry at times. However, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), sexual harassment includes any unwelcome sexual demands or requests, advances and other forms of suggestive or physical conduct. Sexual harassment does not have to

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Remote workers can make sexual harassment allegations

There’s been a surge in the number of individuals working remotely in recent years. This uptick in online work has led to employers adjusting their perspectives on unlawful activities such as sexual harassment. When asked what constitutes sexual harassment, many workers would likely mention sexually suggestive comments made in passing in the workplace or inappropriate touching. Can sexual harassment happen in

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Sexually harassed at work? Do these 2 things first

Sexual harassment is any form of unwelcome sexual advance or conduct in the workplace that creates a hostile, intimidating and offensive work environment. This can range from repeat offensive jokes full of sexual content to an outright sexual assault. Fortunately, there are state and federal laws that protect employees from sexual harassment in the workplace. Here are two steps that you

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The perils of retaliation when employees complain of harassment

No employee should have to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace. Your company should have policies against this type of behavior so that it’s stopped before it ever has a chance to start. Unfortunately, not everyone is going to act in an appropriate manner. As part of your plan to fight sexual harassment, you should have a grievance procedure

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Some women remain silent about being sexually harassed at work

Your boss or co-worker in Massachusetts likes to put a hand on your shoulder with unsettling frequency. Sometimes he makes suggestive comments about your personal appearance or clothing. He tells crude jokes that make you feel disrespected. It’s gotten to the point that it’s tough to focus on your responsibilities. You are starting to dread going to the office every

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How should businesses respond to sexual harassment claims?

Sexual harassment claims are something most everyone would prefer to avoid. No one wants to get accused of wrongdoing, but many people also don’t want to speak up and report it after they experience it. Those within a company don’t want to worry about the discord between employees and the possible expense involved. Still, sexual harassment can happen in any

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Does sexual harassment require physical contact?

If you go to work and see uncomfortable images, you may feel out of place. For example, if you’re female and go into your manager’s office, you may not be comfortable with seeing a nude poster or calendar. It’s okay to feel that way, and in some cases, you may actually have a sexual harassment claim if you bring up

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