Legal Blog

Common disputes between landlords and tenants

Ideally, landlords and tenants would be able to get along and abide by the rules of the contracts that they signed. But this doesn’t always happen, and these two parties can run into some serious disputes. No matter which side of the equation you’re on, it’s important to understand why these disputes happen and what legal options you have. Let’s

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What if a tenant won’t move out when the lease is up?

As a landlord, you tend to offer all of your renters a one-year lease. When that lease is up, they either have to find somewhere new to live, or they need to sign a lease again for the following year. What if you have a tenant who doesn’t want to leave but refuses to sign another lease? Or what if

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How should landlords handle emotional support animals?

Animals can enrich someone’s life. They provide a sense of companionship and responsibility while also providing endless hours of entertainment and opportunities for daily exercise. For those with disabling medical conditions, animals can also serve therapeutic purposes. Service animals undergo rigorous training and regular certification so that they can go out in public with their handlers and provide medical support.

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Common disputes between landlords and tenants

Ideally, landlords and tenants would be able to get along and abide by the rules of the contracts that they signed. But this doesn’t always happen, and these two parties can run into some serious disputes. No matter which side of the equation you’re on, it’s important to understand why these disputes happen and what legal options you have. Let’s

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What if a tenant won’t move out when the lease is up?

As a landlord, you tend to offer all of your renters a one-year lease. When that lease is up, they either have to find somewhere new to live, or they need to sign a lease again for the following year. What if you have a tenant who doesn’t want to leave but refuses to sign another lease? Or what if

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How should landlords handle emotional support animals?

Animals can enrich someone’s life. They provide a sense of companionship and responsibility while also providing endless hours of entertainment and opportunities for daily exercise. For those with disabling medical conditions, animals can also serve therapeutic purposes. Service animals undergo rigorous training and regular certification so that they can go out in public with their handlers and provide medical support.

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