When a divorce necessitates a return to work

In a recent blog post, we discussed the challenges that divorcees who previously relied upon a spouse’s income for financial support may face in the wake of a divorce. In these types of cases, a divorce attorney will work to secure alimony. It’s important to know, however, that the family courts view alimony as merely a way to provide support to a financially disadvantaged party while he or she works to obtain the education or training necessary to find a job and become financially secure.

Whether, while married, you were a stay-at-home mom, focused your efforts on volunteering or worked only part-time; after a divorce, it’s often necessary to find full-time employment. Finding a job can be an intimidating and exhausting process for anyone, and if you’ve been out of the workforce for years you’ll likely need to enlist the assistance of others to help in your job search.

If you really have no clue as to what type of job you want, it’s wise to seek the advice and assistance of a job or career coach. A professional career coach can help you identify your strengths and passions and help you formulate a plan regarding the types of jobs you may want to pursue as well as the additional education or training you may need.

If your resume needs updating or you don’t have a resume, it’s wise to seek out working friends and relatives and ask if you can review their resumes. There are also professional resume writers who can assist in making sure a resume stands out.

In addition to a having a strong resume, it’s important to network with anyone and everyone you can think of. It’s also important to look your best while doing so and the start of a job search may provide the incentive you need to eat healthy, hit the gym, opt for a new hairstyle and purchase new interviewing clothes.

Finding your own voice and way after a divorce is very important. In some cases, entering or returning to the workforce can not only bring financial freedom and security, but also personal satisfaction and reward.

Source: The Huffington Post, “Tips for Going Back to Work After Divorce,” Jackie Pilossoph, Jan. 3, 2016


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